i'm becoming completly addicted to this station . . . luxuriamusic . . . on sunday, i was listening while doing the dishes and super-orchestrated-soft-voice-OhOhOhOh-style singers did a weirdly beautiful cover of "everybody must get stoned". little gems like that pop up all the time . . . also can be found on iTunes Radio, under ECLECTIC. playlist here. yahoo fangroup here.
and finally!! the My Life in the Bush of Ghosts RE-MIX site is live . . . download, remix, and share.
noam chomsky on 9/11 conspiracy
Iranian Pres. Ahmadinejad's Recent Letter to Bush (translated)
condi rice chimes in "This letter is -- again, it's a kind of broad philosophical -- and it's about history and philosophy and religion and lots of things" . . . sounds errily like the Aug. 6 2001 PBD "It did not warn of attacks inside the United States. It was historical information based on old reporting."