"As a progressive queer, I'm no fan of Larry Craig. There is a mobius-strip like way in which the Craig story turns in on itself, in that anti-gay lawmakers like Craig inflame homophobia, which in turn makes it all the more difficult for closeted individuals like Craig to live more open lives, which in turn makes the job of anti-gay leaders that much easier. That said, the Craig case saddens me in every way. His career is destroyed as a result of the most trivial of infractions. And his personal anguish must be nothing short of extreme. If Craig were being punished for his destructive voting record and the numerous ways in which he has used his authority to crush people who needed help, that would be one thing. But to see him destroyed for being gay -- and let's be frank: that's what this is all about -- brings no joy or relief." - bagnewsnotes commenter aaron
the only good that can come from this - is realizing how fast media, online information, and public sentiment can move - and subsequently, how fast it could turn on the ACTUAL ones that should be shamed - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Gonzales, and on and on . . . when will the real bastards be held up with equal scrutiny?