from: Barnesville- My Favorite Minnesota
Ah, the feeling of potatoes in your trousers. What else do you need? If you like weird America, this is your kind of action. It's got a potato sack fashion show, tons of potato related foods and mashed potato wrestling. In fact, it's where my alter ego, Steve-O Gratin, became the undisputed Mashed Potato Wrestling Champion of the Universe. They fill a pit with taters that's like 20' x 10' big and more than a 1' deep. Contestants sign up to wrestle their friends for three 2-minute rounds and inject their own ringside drama. A ref gets in the mix and there's a blow by blow account over a P.A. system. It's totally ridiculous. Despite it being insanely hard and exhausting to move in the stuff, its hands down the most fun you can have dressed in a unitard or watching something in a lawn chair. I'm returning next year to defend my title so watch out! Get hosed off by the local fire department and head over to the demolition derby for some good old perfectly legal road rage in the mud. Whoo. See more about cool Minnesota stuff at My Favorite Minnesota