ok - so i've got an interesting situation.
i made this post months and months ago.
now, when you go to google images, and you type in "laura bush" . . . guess who comes up first!
google search results as of August 26 2008
now, this blog has always existed as a place to post things i would otherwise be pushing via email to my friends . . . this way, it's just a bookmark thread with some local flair.
but how in the hell did my little blog take over the keyword "laura bush"?
any good guesses are welcome . . . because if i can do it, you can too.
Hmm. Perhaps a temporally transient anomaly - I'm not seeing anything from here. But wouldn't that be great if from here on out anything Laura Bush was tagged with the meta designator of 'nutritional plastic'.
I've long been suspicious that this presidency is 70% composed of edible semisynthetic polymerized petroleum by-products. The other 30% being pure unadulterated black-as-hell-dark-as-night evil. But I could be wrong on the ratio.
Posted by: jonrex | August 26, 2008 at 09:53 AM