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Surely that thing which you fight you become. ...If I am angry and you
meet me with anger what is the result? More anger. You have become that
which I am. If I am evil and you fight me with evil means then you also
become evil, however righteous you may feel. If I am brutal and you use
brutal methods to overcome me, then you become brutal like me. And this
we have done for thousands of years. Surely there is a different
approach than to meet hate by hate? If I use violent methods to quell
anger in myself then I am using wrong means for a right end, and
thereby the right end ceases to be. In this there is no understanding;
there is no transcending anger. Anger is to be studied tolerantly and
understood; it is not to be overcome through violent means. Anger may
be the result of many causes and without comprehending them there is no
escape from anger.
We have created the enemy, the bandit, and becoming ourselves the enemy
in no way brings about an end to enmity. We have to understand the
cause of enmity and cease to feed it by our thought, feeling, and
action. This is an arduous task demanding constant self-awareness and
intelligent pliability, for what we are the society, the state is. The
enemy and the friend are the outcome of our thought and action. We are
responsible for creating enmity and so it is more important to be aware
of our own thought and action than to be concerned with the foe and the
friend, for right thinking puts an end to division. Love transcends the
friend and the enemy.
It's an Imprompu Easter Zombie Walk! This Saturday, March 22nd
jesus, judas, mary, sunday school girls, priests, church-goers,
easter bunnies, eggs, peeps, and all other holiday related zombies come out "regular human" or other bizzaro zombies totally welcome
this is the first ever Zombie Walk on Easter in the World (as far as the series of tubes knows)
The Billboard Liberation Front today announced a major new advertising
improvement campaign executed on behalf of clients AT&T and the
National Security Agency. Focusing on billboards in the San Francisco
area, this improvement action is designed to promote and celebrate the
innovative collaboration of these two global communications giants.
“This campaign is an extraordinary rendition of a public-private
partnership,” observed BLF spokesperson Blank DeCoverly. “These two
titans of telecom have a long and intimate relationship, dating back to
the age of the telegraph. In these dark days of Terrorism, that should
be a comfort to every law-abiding citizen with nothing to hide.”
AT&T initially downplayed its heroic efforts in the War on
Terror, preferring to serve in silence behind the scenes. “But then we
realized we had a PR win on our hands,” noted AT&T V.P. of Homeland
Security James Croppy. “Not only were we helping NSA cut through the
cumbersome red tape of the FISA system, we were also helping our
customers by handing over their e-mails and phone records to the
government. Modern life is so hectic – who has time to cc the feds on
every message? It’s a great example of how we anticipate our customers’
needs and act on them. And, it should be pointed out, we offered this
service free of charge.”
Commenting on the action, and responding to questions about pending
privacy litigation and the stalled Congressional effort to shield the
telecoms from these lawsuits, NSA spokesperson [REDACTED] remarked:
“[REDACTED] we [REDACTED] condone [REDACTED] warrantless [REDACTED],
[REDACTED] SIGINT intercepts, [REDACTED] torture [REDACTED] information
retrieval by [REDACTED] means necessary.”
“It’s a win-win-win situation,” noted the BLF’s DeCoverly. “NSA
gets the data it needs to keep America safe, telecom customers get free
services, and AT&T makes a fortune. That kind of cooperation
between the public and private sectors should serve as a model to all
of us, and a harbinger of things to come.”
Come see the improvement at 14th St. and Valencia St. in San Francisco
The BLF ( has been improving outdoor
advertising since 1977. Prior campaigns have included work for Exxon,
R.J. Reynolds, and Apple Computers.
AT&T ( is America’s favorite telecommunications
trust. Based in San Antonio, Texas, it has over 300,000 employees and
annual revenues of $117 Billion.
NSA ( is the largest intelligence organization in the
world. Headquartered at Fort Meade, Maryland, its budget, personnel,
products, and services are all classified.